End Your Emotional Eating with The Inner Self Diet

Thanks for stopping by after reading my article on Your Tango! Quick question for you:

Just how EASY would it be to lose weight IF you could finally end your ongoing struggles with food? What if you could really end your emotional eating?

What if binge eating in isolation on Friday night were a thing of the past?

What if you could stop stuffing yourself in front of the TV at night after everyone else has gone to bed?

What if it were Fun and Simple for you to do the healthy lifestyle action you already know you need to do? What if you could stop yo-yo dieting, create a healthy relationship with food, and love your body while losing weight?


It is 100% possible to end all of your food and weight struggles for good, making it easy to live a healthy lifestyle, drop the fat, and keep it off. How do I know? My clients do it all the time after I coach them through the proven steps of The Inner Self Diet!

Where you might be going wrong (just like most are!) is you’ve been thinking that the solution to your overeating and overweight was another food diet or exercise program. Unfortunately, a healthy eating and exercise plan are only 10% of the solution. If you are serious about putting an end to the struggle permanently, you must address what is 90% of the problem: that’s your inner self programming.

You see, when your Inner Self is programmed to be fat, then your body must be fat. Fat Inner Self programming also guarantees that it will always be a yo-yo struggle to lose weight and keep it off. Why? Because the root of the problem has never been healed. In fact, this is why weight loss surgery doesn’t solve the problem either! How many people do you know who have had weight loss surgery, only to end up gaining all of their weight back, plus more?!

As long as the root of your emotional eating, binge eating, food obsessions, yo-yo dieting, food addictions and self-sabotage remain as they are, it doesn’t matter how many diet and exercise tips you collect. It’s just too hard to DO them and do them consistently, while your Inner Self is programmed to struggle and keep overeating. It’s too easy to stay stuck when your Inner Self is not programmed to be fit, healthy, strong, sexy and confident.


The quickest and easiest way to end your emotional eating and any other unhealthy behavior that is keeping you stuck, overweight, and overeating, is The Inner Self Diet. In The Inner Self Diet I personally coach my clients through the proven steps, step-by-step, providing accountability and personalized coaching to ensure that my clients succeed in ending their battles with food and their weight. The Inner Self Diet is amazing and gives my clients the freedom they’ve always wanted, which makes it struggle-free for them to do the healthy lifestyle actions that allow the fat to drop off and stay off.

Since I personally coach my clients in real-time through the proven steps of The Inner Self Diet there isn’t an open enrollment available online. The Inner Self Diet is invitation only and the way to find out if it’s a good fit (or not!) is to apply for a complimentary weight loss discovery session. On the complimentary one-on-one call you’ll discover what has really been stopping you from losing weight for good, as well as what you can do about it. Many have reported breakthroughs just from the weight loss discovery session call, but please note: this call is only for those who are serious about putting an end to the struggle once and for all.

If you’d love to break free of your ongoing struggles with food and your weight so that you can easily drop the fat and keep it off, ending your yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, binge eating and self-sabotage, then click the button below. Apply for your complimentary weight loss discovery session now to take your first step towards freedom from the struggle. (This is for you if you’d love to stop asking yourself, “Why am I so smart and successful BUT I can’t lose weight?!”

Click Here to Get Started Now!

No thanks, I’m OK with my food and weight struggles as they are. But I DO want a free copy of JoLynn’s eBook to take a baby step! (Click Here)