15 Signs You Need The Inner Self Diet with JoLynn BraleySo you’re wondering if you need The Inner Self Diet? Maybe you’ve heard me talk about The Inner Self Diet on The JoLynn Braley Show including the results my weight loss coaching clients get from it?

You might need The Inner Self Diet if you want to lose weight and keep it off but if you are ok with yo-yo dieting, then you do not need The Inner Self Diet.

You can stop reading now if you’re satisfied with the struggle you live with daily in your comfort zone.

On the other hand, if you’re fed up with being weighed down with that 5-ton weight of shame, if you’re frustrated with your inability to stick with your healthy eating plan, and if you deeply desire to lose weight for good, the let’s take a look at the 15 signs you need The Inner Self Diet.

15 Signs You Need The Inner Self Diet

Let’s check out the 15 Signs You Need The Inner Self Diet.

This list is for you if you:

  • Are fed up with constantly feeling anxious, frustrated, and depressed about your weight.
  • You’re feeling desperate to make a real change in your mind, your body, and your life
  • You know that if you lose weight and gain it back one more time, that will be it. You’ll stay forever fat (a person can only take so much struggle, right!)
  • You do NOT want to give up – you do NOT want to be forever fat and join the ranks of the “fat is beautiful” camp (because you know deep in your heart that being fat is not beautiful or healthy for your mind, your body, or your spirit)

Let’s read the 15 signs now!

You Cannot Stop Emotional Eating

1.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you cannot stop emotional eating. No matter how many times you’ve tried to clean up your eating habits you can only last so long without “your food”.

You need “your food” because it’s your crutch you use to get through life.

What you’re missing are The Inner Self coping skills to navigate through the ups and downs of life without using food to cope.

If you don’t get the right skills, tools, and techniques then how will you ever break away from your food crutch so that you can finally lose weight for good?

Your Lifelong Goal to Lose Weight Has Gotten Really Old (Reaaaaaaaaaaallllly Old)

2.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you’ve have had a lifelong goal to lose weight and keep it off, but no matter how many Mondays come and go, no matter how many New Year Resolutions to lose weight you make, you’re still struggling with overeating and overweight, all these years later.

Remember our friend Einstein who defined Insanity: “Doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results.” This is insanity.

In order to get different results, you must do something radically different. The Inner Self Diet is completely different than anything you’ve ever done.

Let’s Get REAL: You’re Not Making Progress On Your Own

3.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you can see that you’re not making progress with your weight, but you don’t know how to stop the momentum of failure.

Maybe you feel like you have an invisible monster living inside of you and you’re constantly on the defense, wondering when the next shoe is going to drop and the next out-of-control binge will begin.

How can you really expect to lose weight and keep it off when you’re expecting that hidden shoe to drop at any moment? Does this make sense?

Want Help? Take Your First Step Here!

Your Food Obsessions Are Growing (Along With Your Waist)

4.) You need The Inner Self Diet if the food diets you try to force yourself to do make your food obsessions even worse than they are to begin with.

You find yourself thinking about food from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep at night.

Maybe you even dream about cupcakes, pudding, pies and candy, making your waking hours even more stressful. Eventually you give into your food obsessions and you’re right back into those bad eating habits, the late-night binges, and unhealthy food choices that take you further and further from the weight loss goals you’ve been talking about forever.

I understand how frustrating all of this is because I’ve been there before too. But does it make sense that food diets aren’t fixing the root of the real problem? Because if the food diets were fixing the root of the real problems that continue to motivate your unhealthy eating and food obsessions, then you wouldn’t still be struggling.

After all, just look at how many food diets you’ve done.

Does this make sense?

The Shame You Carry Feels Even Heavier Than Your Overweight

5.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you feel deep shame about your overweight and out-of-control eating.

You feel so much shame about your out-of-control eating that you try to hide your eating habits from others. You even race to the store to re-buy all of the food you binged on to replace it in the house in hopes that no one will know.

But this isn’t making your out-of-control binge eating go away, as you continue to binge in secret and in isolation, hoping that no one will know, but you know. 

Not only that, but you know that everyone can see the results on your body.

You Already Know WHAT But You Don’t Know HOW

6.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you already know so much about healthy nutrition and exercise that you need to teach a class on it but….you cannot get yourself to take action on all of that information and stick with it long term.

You thought that all you needed was the “eat this don’t eat that” information but now that you have endless information on how to eat to lose weight, it’s not helping you actually lose weight.

You’re still sabotaging yourself with unhealthy food choices while telling yourself that “one more doesn’t matter” because you’ll “change tomorrow” and “lose weight later”.

Have you ever noticed that you’ve been telling yourself these things for years, but you’re still not at your goal weight?

You need The Inner Self Diet to heal the root of what is driving your unhealthy eating behaviors and unhealthy food choices so that you can finally break free into healthy living without self-sabotage.

Want Help? Take Your First Step Here!

TRUTH: You Can’t Stop Binge Eating

7.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you can’t stop binge eating.

Binge eating will never lead you to the healthy weight you desire physically and not only that, have you ever noticed how damaging your binge eating behavior is to your mental health and your emotional health?

For example, does your binge eating make you feel super confident about yourself, or does it make you feel like you can’t do anything right?

Does your binge eating raise your self-esteem and help you fill up your Inner Self well of self-love? Or is your binge eating destroying your self-esteem and increasing your anxiety, insecurities, and hopelessness that you’ll ever be able to change?

The good news is you can change, if you do something about it. Your binge eating will not magically go away though, you must take action with the right system of steps

What most do is seek out another food diet, which they can only stick with short term. Eventually they hit that emotional wall and they bounce back off of that wall smack dab back into their comfort zone binge eating behaviors.

Food diets won’t fix your binge eating problem because the problem goes deeper than the surface food diet plans. You must follow a healthy eating plan long term as a lifestyle in order to get weight loss results.

But how can you make a healthy eating plan your lifestyle when yo-yo dieting, self-doubt, and binge eating is your lifestyle? And.. have you ever noticed that the longer you struggle with your binge eating in isolation, the worse it gets?

You Ain’t Got No Control Over Your Drug of Choice

8.) You need The Inner Self Diet if no matter how hard you try, you just cannot control your eating. You tell yourself that “Monday is the day!” but it never works out. It’s just too easy for you to keep eating, even though you want to lose weight.

Let’s Get Real: Food is EASY, it’s everywhere. You can get food 24 hours a day, you can even have it delivered to your house within an hour. So sure, it’s EASY to keep eating, stay overweight, and even keep gaining.

What takes effort is doing the steps to gain the FREEDOM of struggle-free weight loss. You need The Inner Self Diet to do this though, unless you have a better way to achieve struggle-free weight loss and correct your unhealthy, self-sabotaging, unconscious Inner Self programming. But if you had that, why would you be reading these words?

Does this make sense?

You’re Hatin’ (Hating Your Body, Your Weight, Your Eating Habits, and more…)

9.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you hate yourself, hate your body, and/or if you hate your weight.

The fact is, hating yourself, your body, or hating your weight will not make weight loss easy, but all of that hate will make overeating easier and easier and easier to engage in.

Self-hate fuels weight gain, self-hate fuels binge eating, emotional eating, pain, frustration, negativity and struggle.

Your self-hate must be replaced with Inner Self Love in order to break free of your food and weight struggles for good. Do not expect to hate your way to your weight loss goals and stay there. You might be able to hate-weight-loss for a short time, but you’ll always boomerang back into the pool of self-hate that you never cleaned up.

These Inner Self issues do not simply go away by doing a food diet. If they did, then why would you be reading these words?

Does this make sense?

Want Help? Take Your First Step Here!

It Only Takes ONE And Then You’re Done (Done with Your Diet, That Is…)

10.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you can’t have Just One without going off the deep end into a binge and completely derailing any positive weight loss progress you might have made.

In order to lose weight and keep it off you cannot continue binge eating, sabotaging your weight loss, and derailing your progress. Just talking about how much you want to lose weight won’t get you the weight loss you deeply desire, and deserve.

But you are the one who must show yourself with your action that you deserve to stop struggling with food and your weight. If you do the Inner Self Diet step-by-step proven system to end your internal battles that always derail your weight loss then you will be proving to yourself with your action that you are serious about yourself.

You’re Dizzy From The Yo-Yo

11.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you have gotten to your goal weight in the past but you’ve never been able to stay there and keep the weight off.

You’re good at white knuckling weight loss. You force yourself to diet even though you hate it and you feel like you’re missing out the entire time.

You feel very resentful about the entire process but force yourself to do it anyway.

You can’t wait until you see your goal number on the scale so that you can “relax” and go back to your “comfortable ways” of eating and living. But then… what happens? How quickly do you regain all the weight you lost? And how do you feel about yourself then?

How do you feel about yourself the more times you rinse and repeat this entire frustrating, resentment-filled process of white-knuckling weight loss and yo-yo dieting.

To get beyond this you need The Inner Self Diet so that you can easily live a healthy lifestyle without self-sabotage, without resentment, and without feeling like you’re missing out.

When you get to this point then it’s no big deal to live a healthy lifestyle and get that weight off for good. The Inner Self Shift in order to get this result though.

You’ve “Tried It All” (but You’re Still Struggling and Sabotaging)

12.) You need The Inner Self Diet if nothing else you’ve done has ever gotten you to your goal weight and given you all of the tools to stay there.

You feel like you’ve “tried it all” to lose weight but you’re still struggling. You’ve had the gym memberships and you’ve done cleanses, Weight Watchers, fad diets, diet pills, and you have unlimited amounts of information you’ve saved on how to eat, how to exercise, and how to lose weight.

But have you ever noticed that information does not yield transformation?

Have you ever noticed that you’re still struggling with the same old unhealthy eating behaviors?

Have you ever noticed that you still resent changing your eating habits but you are extremely unhappy with your weight?

None of this will change by collecting more information. All it can change with action and the fastest path to do this is by getting weight loss coaching with the right Inner Self Diet coach.

Want Help? Take Your First Step Here!

Weight Loss Motivation Broke Up With You

13.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you have no motivation to lose weight and nothing has helped you break free of your consistent patterns of emotional eating, stress eating, mindless eating and binge eating.

The big mistake that most are making (just like you) is they are waiting to get motivated before they get started.

What if motivation never comes? What if motivation cannot come if you don’t heal your Inner Self?

What if your lack of motivation is due to the fact that you don’t believe that you deserve to lose weight? Then what? How can you ever move beyond that road block and force yourself to lose weight when you don’t even believe you deserve it?

This is only one example of why you might not be motivated to lose weight, which is why you need personal coaching with the right Inner Self Diet coach in order to lose weight and keep it off. Coaching requires two-way communication in order to unravel all of your Inner Self unconscious patterns of lack of motivation and self-sabotaging eating habit.

You’re Tired of Being a Life-Waster (You’re Wasting Too Much Time Living In The Struggle)

14.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you want to stop wasting time and get to the new freedom as quickly as possible.

How are you wasting time? Well, have you ever noticed how many years you’ve been saying “This time I’m gonna get this weight off!” but here you are, still struggling?

What if instead you could step into the new freedom? What’s that, you ask? The new freedom is where you still have problems in your life, but you don’t use food to “get through”. Get to this place, and you’ll truly be free!

Does this make sense? How could you gain the weight back if you could navigate through life’s ups and downs without using food as your numbing agent? What if you could stop using food as your way to cope?

Does it make sense that if you could go through the rest of your life and have the problems that are part of life but NOT stuff yourself with food to cope, that then you’d really be free?

You Don’t Remember The Last Time You Felt GOOD In Your Own Skin

15.) You need The Inner Self Diet if you want to Feel GOOD about yourself and Look Great at the same time.

If you want to LOVE yourself, feel GOOD about yourself, and Look GREAT in your jeans, and do all of this while sincerely enjoying living a healthy lifestyle, without feeling like you’re “missing out” and without feeling deprived, then you need The Inner Self Diet.

Want Help? Take Your First Step Here!

How Many Signs Do You Fit?

After reading all 15 signs you need The Inner Self Diet how many signs do you fit?

Let’s Get REAL: If you’re like everyone else you see yourself in most, if not all of the 15 signs you need The inner Self Diet. How can I know? Because you wouldn’t be reading this sentence right now if you didn’t resonate.

But now that you know you need The Inner Self Diet, what are you going to DO about it?

It’s your choice: you can keep your struggles and keep your pain. Keep your overweight and expect more gain.

Or you can choose to opt out of the struggle, but words won’t get you there. You need the solid action plan that The Inner Self Diet provides, along with the personal coaching and accountability that comes with it.

All ingredients are necessary in order to get the results of struggle-free weight loss in eight weeks or less.

How GOOD would you feel if you could break free that fast?!

Who Else Wants to Feel GOOD About Themselves Again? (and lose weight for good!)

Do you want to stop struggling with your eating and your weight?

Behaviors are behaviors, and they can be changed. My Inner Self Diet coaching clients have been successfully changing their unhealthy eating behaviors simply by following my proven step-by-step system in The Inner Self Diet.

Behaviors don’t change by wishing hoping and praying for a change.

Behaviors don’t change by reading lots of information about change. Behaviors change with action starting with the action to heal the root of the problem within your Inner Self.

Avoid doing the right steps to heal the root of the real problem and there won’t be enough healthy eating plans in the world to fix your overweight problems. This is why weight loss surgery doesn’t provide a true fix either. How many people do you know who have had weight loss surgery who gained all the weight back?

If you want to stop sabotaging your weight loss, lose weight for good and look GREAT in your jeans, then start with a weight loss discovery session. The weight loss discovery session is the first step towards ending your struggles with food and your weight. It is not possible to get personal coaching in The Inner Self Diet without first having a weight loss discovery session.

Click here to get started now!